Fierce Business Aces — Vivita’s Flea Market Summer Edition

Vivita / Lahenduste Laboratoorium
3 min readJul 13, 2023


Photos: Vivita Estonia

Have you thought that you would want to earn some pocket money in the summer, but you don’t know how exactly to make it happen? Or have you prepared something nice yourself, but don’t know where to sell it? Would you like to start a business and be an Awesome Business Ace?

Photos: Vivita Estonia

Vivinaudid tulid 6. juulil Vivistopi stuudiosse, et osaleda Ägedate Äriässade — Vivita suvisel kirbuturul. Kokku müüs Kirbuturul 12 last ja noort. Müüdi isetehtud limpsi, pirukaid, ehteid, aksessuaare, mullivahvleid, šokolaadimaiuseid kui ka mänguasju.

Vivinauts came to the Vivistop studio on July 6 to participate in the summer Vivita’s flea market “Fierce Business Aces”. A total of 12 children were selling at the Flea Market. Homemade lollipops, pies, jewellery, accessories, bubble wafers, DIY projects, chocolate treats and toys were sold.

Photos: Vivita Estonia

Vivinaut Liisa’s comment: “The event was a very nice and cool experience. There were enough people, of course there could have been more, but despite the weather I was able to sell quite a lot of things. Other young people also sold many great things, I sold homemade accessories. Currently I’m going to Vivistop Free Flow , to tinker jewellery and accessories. I also do special orders! Contact me if you want a hand accessory for yourself or a toy or collar for your four-legged friend.”

Photos: Vivita Estonia

Since many vivinauts have inquired when the Flea market is coming again, we are planning to hold the next Flea Market sale on August 10 from 12:30 to 16:30. Register here!

Text and photos:: Vivita Estonia
July 2023



Vivita / Lahenduste Laboratoorium
Vivita / Lahenduste Laboratoorium

Written by Vivita / Lahenduste Laboratoorium

A creativity hub for children designed to inspire and equip them with skills in creative problem-solving and prototyping.

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