It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas (Fotografiska Tallinn edition)
For the second year in a row VIVITA kids crafted the christmas decorations that adorn Fotografiska Tallinn’s cafeteria area.
Just like last year, we used recycled materials from Fotografiska’s previous exhibitions to make the decorations.
Here you can read about what we did a year ago.
Tireless fingers
Impatiently awaiting the Christmas holidays and snow, this year once again we set out to bring the holiday spirit to Fotografiska. Just before the First Advent, we gathered in Fotografiska with VIVISTOP Telliskivi members and put our crafty fingers to work. Using a simple cut and fold technique (instructions below👇) the outdated advertising brochures of Fotografiska Tallinn turned into beautiful snowflakes. Following Fotografiska’s zero-waste philosophy, we recycled their exhibition leftovers — this way giving a whole new life to the useless material.
To our own surprise, the kids were quickly captivated by the project and started competing with each other to make the biggest number of stars. “I already made 12 pieces”, “and I made 65 altogether”, they cheered, while munching on tangerines.
Of course, we didn’t just work hard for hours on end. From time to time, we refilled our energy with delicious fruity glögg, cake, tangerines, and French fries. A full stomach sure is the best companion!
A snowfall of Christmas stars
Santa’s little helpers didn’t stop at paper folding. Having diligently folded all the Christmas stars, we attached them together using the sewing machine and we hung them up in the cafe. Right away, the space became more festive and inviting. Anyone visiting Fotografiska can have a look at the decorations up close.
VIVISTOP Telliskivi wishes a happy First Advent to everyone! Our thanks go to all participating children and to Fotografiska Tallinn — together we kept up the holiday spirit high. Our efforts have already paid off: just a day after the First Advent beautiful snow covered the ground.
Workshop creators: Vera Naydenova and Eva Liisa Kubinyi.
Text: Eva Liisa Kubinyi, photos: Sigrid Kägi/ VIVITA Estonia.
Paper star recipe
Give it a go and get folding, you can decorate your home with Christmas stars all over, too. How many can you make? P.S. The size of the paper is 21x21 cm.