Juniors and summer engines

Vivita / Lahenduste Laboratoorium
4 min readJan 24, 2022


The Junior program summer edition kicked off, and while usually it is the VIVITA team who is mentoring, this time it was led by VIVITA members and volunteers.

Junior workshop “Summer engines”

This time was the junior instructor a 10-year-old VIVITA member Lui Puik, with whom we decided to host the motorboat Olympics together with the first sunny days. Lui is a smart boy with crazy ideas and also a huge fan of technology and science. He immediately agreed with the idea of holding a workshop in VIVISTOP Telliskivi. It didn’t even take a minute for Lui to know what the workshop topic could be. Lui took out the phone and showed us an exciting motorboat tutorial video from the science TV show called Rakett69. The theme was perfect for the beginning of the summer and for juniors — so it started!

VIVITA Junior program. Photo: VIVITA Estonia

Introduction to the workshop

In the “Summer Engines” workshop, we got acquainted with different energy sources and engines. Together with Lui, we put together a short and exciting presentation, which was also engaging for juniors. Lui was able to teach the theory perfectly and discussed the different fuels with the participants. Do you know what fuel a condenser engine runs on?

VIVITA member Lui Puik. Photos: VIVITA Estonia

Let’s start constructing!

Nüüd, kus energia ja mootorid on teoorias selged, tuleb valmis ehitada ka enda isiklik olümpiapaat. Võtsime välja vahtplasti tükid, et vormida kere ning jagasime osalejate vahel ära ka kõik vajaliku mootori kokku panemiseks. Otseloomulikult oli Lui alati valmis aitama ning teda oli näha iga laua taga nõu andmas.

Now that the energy and engines are clear in theory, it’s time to build your own personal Olympic boat. We took out pieces of foam to shape the body of the boat and distributed everything we needed to assemble the engine. Obviously, Lui was always ready to help and could be seen at every table giving advice.

The construction of a motor boat. Photos: VIVITA Estonia

The motorboat was propelled by a windshield washer pump, powered by batteries. One of the juniors, who has repeatedly participated in the workshops of the Junior program, has been wanting to try soldering for a long time, and this time he had the opportunity. One of the tasks was to solder together the battery compartment and the window washer pump. The soldering was mainly assisted by an adult, but the children could practice soldering as well.

Soldering. Photos: VIVITA Estonia

The Olympics of the motor boats

Iga laua peal oli väike veevann, kus sai valmis ehitatud mootorpaati testida ning seejärel parandustöid teha. Viimaks, kui kõigi mootorpaadid olid olümpiaks valmis, tõstsime kõrvuti kaks veevanni ning märkisime ära stardipunkti. Paadid paaridesse jagatud ning oli aeg viia läbi võistlus, mille käigus selgitasime välja kõige kiirema mootorpaadi. Võitjaks osutus Sigridi paat!

There was a small water bath on each table, where the finished motorboat could be tested, repaired and then tested again. Finally, when everyone’s motorboats were ready for the Olympics, we lifted two water baths side by side and marked the starting point. The boats were divided into pairs and it was time for a competition, during which we found out the fastest motorboat. The winner was Sigrid’s boat!

The Olympics of the motor boats. Photos: VIVITA Estonia

Until next time, juniors!

Workshop facilitator: Lui Puik
Text: Steveli Säde
Translation: Anette-Heleri Lind
Photos: VIVITA Estonia



Vivita / Lahenduste Laboratoorium
Vivita / Lahenduste Laboratoorium

Written by Vivita / Lahenduste Laboratoorium

A creativity hub for children designed to inspire and equip them with skills in creative problem-solving and prototyping.

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