Special regulations at VIVISTOP Telliskivi during COVID-19 outbreak
Anxious, exciting, challenging — these are some of the key words describing the year 2020 so far. All our daily activities are affected by this new virus called COVID-19. To limit the potential spread of the virus and keep both the children, our team and space safe, we have implemented a few new regulations at our Telliskivi studio.
Free Flow
Free Flow is our young inventors prime time here. It is the time to come to the studio during our opening hours and work on your own original project ideas. These activities are supported by our mentors from all walks of life — designers, engineers, producers and tinkerers. During the spread of virus and in accordance with the recommendations of the Estonian Health Board, we are limiting the number of attendees that can access the space simultaneously. We are asking our members to preregister their visit through our ticketing system Fienta, where they have the ability to choose between two time slots, each of the time slots are available for eight people.
Every child entering our studio is requested to thoroughly wash their hands and we will measure every visitors temperature. We are trying to keep up positive vibes at the studio to so that the kids wouldn’t feel unnecessarily worried about the overall situation.
All our workshops are currently open only for VIVITA members. To minimize the number of people using the studio simultaneously, we do not run the Free Flow sessions in parallel with the workshops.
Open door event for new inventors
In accordance with the recommendations of the Estonian Health Board we limit the amount of people in our studio and hence have stopped arranging large open door events at the time being. Instead, we do individual intro sessions to our new perspective members (young inventors) together with their guardians at 5pm on our opening days. These intro sessions need pre-registration that can be done via our ticketing system. The first invites to the sessions were sent to families that had originally registered to our big open door event on October 3 and/or participated in the city camps this summer.
If you have a child, who is at least the age of 9, and wants to participate in our activities, then drop us a line tallinn@vivita.ee and we will happily introduce you to our philosophy, activities, space and membership conditions.
We truly hope, that these actions will help us keep our studio safe from COVID-19 spread.