The Secrets of Street Art

Vivita / Lahenduste Laboratoorium
4 min readAug 20, 2020


This season’s VIVITA summer camp series concluded with a journey from graffiti to music. The three camp days were filled with graffiti, some recycling, plentyful of music and all kinds of handicrafts inspired by street-art themes.

Did anybody mention street-art?

The theme for the first day was art on walls — including graffiti, stencil art and tape art. In the morning we filled the courtyard of our neighbour the photo art centre Fotografiska Tallinn with spray can hissing. Go-Crazy-Graffiti invited to fill two plywood walls with anything that pops in the head. At the same time another group of kids was using stencils to make the outdoor furniture of Fotografiska more playful. Together with Fotografiska’s lovely host Elo the kids had the opportunity to visit the brand new interactive art installation by Ignas Pavliukevicius.

After lunch it was time to throw the spray cans in the corner and gather over a box of washi-tape. Jaak Joasaare made an introduction to the tape art and explained the concept and showed some samples. By the time the day finished VIVISTOP Telliskivi had five walls decorated with fun and modern tape installations.

New Life to Spray Cans

Recycling rocks! By the second day the bottoms of the spray paint cans had been miraculously removed and the cans were ready to start their new lives as lamps. The first step was to redesign the can and create an original design for it. To achieve this, we equipped the kids with tape, paint, canvas and drilled some holes into the cans to let the magic light shine.

On Thursday the kids had the opportunity to see Fotografiska’s composter. Kids were left in awe about the fact that this machine can turn food waste into compost in less than 24 hours.

After lunch it was time to add the core of a lamp — a light. Almost everyone was helping with soldering the LED stripes to the lamps and making sure the circuit works as expected. By the end of the day everyone had finished their lamp ready to be used as a night lamp.


The third (and final) day of the camp started with making a set of drum sticks. Once completed, the sticks were taken outside and put into an ultimate test of collaborative rhythm making.

Speaking of rhythm — we had a special guest a hobby-drumme Samuel Põldaru who spoke about different drums and introduced the kids to some of the most popular beats. He brought with him a set of Sphero Specdrums which quickly became very popular. Next up rhythm practice included Cup Song and then we split into groups. Each group had a task to make, practice and perform a drum solo using plates, cups, pans and other utensils. The video of the result is here.

With that, all of this season’s summer camps are finished.
We’d like to thank Fotografiska Tallinn, La Muu ice cream factory, Särgid Värgid, Uuskasutuskeskus, Insplay, Erik Joasaare and Samuel Põldaru.

Many thanks to everyone involved and our amazing volunteers!

Check out our Youtube channel for the recap of this and other camps.

VIVITA summer camp “From Graffiti to Music” was organised by Heikko Ellermaa and Anette-Heleri Lind.



Vivita / Lahenduste Laboratoorium
Vivita / Lahenduste Laboratoorium

Written by Vivita / Lahenduste Laboratoorium

A creativity hub for children designed to inspire and equip them with skills in creative problem-solving and prototyping.

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