VIVITA’s summer camp: Design a Moving Creature
The theme of this year’s first summer camp was Design a Moving Creature. During the three days of camping, the children were able to try rapid prototyping, be inspired by a sculptor, learn to use different woodworking tools, work as a team, explore our VIVISTOP studio, eat ice cream and socialize, think and build big, and finally create four unique creatures.
The first day of the camp
On the first day as we gathered all together, excitement was probably in every soul of the camp. What will happen, who are all these other kids, are all these exciting things in this room allowed to be used, what is this place at all where we all are? In order to create acquaintance and a chill atmosphere, we immediately started a movement game, after which the children were divided into teams.
Without further ado, we started with the first task. The teams received necessary materials, initial instructions and… surprisingly, a pecking chicken was out as an example. Each team had to make a similar model compared to the example. Accuracy, teamwork and creativity were needed to successfully complete the task. The completed device demonstrated how to use a very simple crankshaft system and change the reciprocating motion back and forth.
After an active morning and a delicious lunch at the Fotografiska café, sculptor and metal artist Rainer Aaslav-Kaasik came to talk to the kids. Rainer explained how the sculptor’s design process works, the physical production, and why art and sculpture are needed at all. After that, Rainer introduced his work and explained why some very good ideas remain in the desk drawer.
A short break and we started designing our own creature. At the end of the day, the ideations resulted in handy prototypes.
The second day of the camp
The morning of the second day started with the invigorating VIVITA yoga, after which we stimulated the mind and memory with the minefield game.
Next, we started testing real tools and different techniques, such as sawing, drilling, screw driving, using a staple gun and making knots. The VIVIShell laser cutter program was tested in the tablets.
After practicing with the tools, the teams received the materials needed for their final work of art. They immediately had to start practicing previously learned techniques .
The teams began building their own large-scale creature.
The third day of the camp
The third day was to finish, decorate and present the masterpieces. The prerequisite for the completion of the work was that all the techniques and tools learned at the beginning of the second day (saws and sawing, drilling and screwdriving, stapler and knots, and laser cutter) had been used. The teams reviewed their work in this light and supplemented it as necessary.
The conclusion of three days, the teams finished completely unique and great work. Different techniques and materials were used. Undoubtedly, it was great to see teams working together as well as designing their objects in such a way that playing with them required teamwork. The campers thought big, built big and spent three hard days in super-good company.
Thank you all partners!
Fotografiska Tallinn
The summer camp was designed by Timo Varblas, Vera Naydenova, Eva Liisa Kubinyi, Heikko Ellermaa.
Text: Timo Varblas
Photos: VIVITA Estonia /Steveli Säde, Herkko Sõber